Equine Grooming & Tacking
Learn about basic grooming, show grooming, and tacking up English and Western with HorseIQ Partners Certified Horsemanship Association and Valley Vet Supply!
Grooming Intro
Grooming- with CHA
Picking Hooves- with CHA
Clipping- with CHA
Fly Spray- with CHA
Fly Masks- with CHA
Blanketing- with CHA
Grooming Quiz
Tacking Intro
Haltering with a Rope Halter- with CHA
Saddling with an English Saddle- with CHA
Saddling with a Western Saddle- with CHA
Bridling with an English Bridle- with CHA
Bridling with a Western Bridle- with CHA
Polo Wraps and Standing Wraps- with CHA
Performing a Tack Safety Check- with CHA
Tacking Quiz
Equipment Selection & Fit Intro
Types of Western Saddles- with Valley Vet
Western Saddle Fitting- with Valley Vet
English Saddle Fitting- with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Western Saddle Pad Selection- with Valley Vet
Cinch Selection- with Valley Vet
Cinch Fitting- with Valley Vet
Breast Collar & Back Cinch Fitting- with CHA
Martingale Fitting- with CHA
Bit Selection- with Valley Vet
Bit Fitting- with CHA
Horse Boots- with CHA
Blanket Selection & Fitting- with Valley Vet
Helmet Fitting- with CHA
Why Wear a Helmet? Riders Share Harrowing Close Calls- with Valley Vet
Equipment Selection & Fit Quiz
Additional Resources