This course is brought to you as a joint effort with

Course curriculum

    1. Grooming Intro

    2. Grooming- with CHA

    3. Picking Hooves- with CHA

    4. Clipping- with CHA

    5. Fly Spray- with CHA

    6. Fly Masks- with CHA

    7. Blanketing- with CHA

    8. Grooming Quiz

    1. Tacking Intro

    2. Haltering with a Rope Halter- with CHA

    3. Saddling with an English Saddle- with CHA

    4. Saddling with a Western Saddle- with CHA

    5. Bridling with an English Bridle- with CHA

    6. Bridling with a Western Bridle- with CHA

    7. Polo Wraps and Standing Wraps- with CHA

    8. Performing a Tack Safety Check- with CHA

    9. Tacking Quiz

    1. Equipment Selection & Fit Intro

    2. Types of Western Saddles- with Valley Vet

    3. Western Saddle Fitting- with Valley Vet

    4. English Saddle Fitting- with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

    5. Western Saddle Pad Selection- with Valley Vet

    6. Cinch Selection- with Valley Vet

    7. Cinch Fitting- with Valley Vet

    8. Breast Collar & Back Cinch Fitting- with CHA

    9. Martingale Fitting- with CHA

    10. Bit Selection- with Valley Vet

    11. Bit Fitting- with CHA

    12. Horse Boots- with CHA

    13. Blanket Selection & Fitting- with Valley Vet

    14. Helmet Fitting- with CHA

    15. Why Wear a Helmet? Riders Share Harrowing Close Calls- with Valley Vet

    16. Equipment Selection & Fit Quiz

    1. Additional Resources

About this course

  • 34 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content