This course is brought to you as a joint effort with

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. First Aid Intro

    2. Reading Vital Signs with CHA

    3. Administering First Aid with PHJ

    4. First-Aid Kits with Valley Vet

    5. Tendon & Ligament Injury with PHJ

    6. Common Hoof Ailments with PHJ

    7. Colic with Valley Vet

    8. Choke with Valley Vet

    9. First Aid Quiz

    1. Diseases & Conditions Intro

    2. Common Equine Diseases with Valley Vet & Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

    3. Vector-Borne Diseases with Boehringer Ingelheim

    4. Preventing Mosquito Transmitted Diseases with Valley Vet

    5. Lyme Disease with PHJ

    6. Equine Protozoal Myoencephalitis "EPM" with Boehringer Ingelheim

    7. Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis "EPM" with PHJ

    8. Cushing's Disease with Valley Vet

    9. Gastric Ulcers with Boehringer Ingelheim

    10. Ulcers with Valley Vet

    11. Gastroscopy with Boehringer Ingelheim

    12. Joint Health Overivew with Boehringer Ingelheim

    13. Joint Health Detailed with PHJ

    14. Assessing Lameness with Boehringer Ingelheim

    15. Osteoarthritis with PHJ

    16. Pain Vs. Behavior with Valley Vet

    17. Respiratory Health with Boehringer Ingelheim

    18. Infectious Respiratory Disease with Boehringer Ingelheim

    19. Respiratory Conditions with PHJ

    20. Mare "Behavior" Problems with Valley Vet

    21. Diseases & Conditions Quiz

    1. Internal Parasites Intro

    2. Types of Internal Parasites with Valley Vet

    3. The History of Rotational Deworming with Valley Vet

    4. How to Deworm a Horse with CHA

    5. Parasite Control through Pasture Management with PHJ

    6. Internal Parasites Quiz

    1. Routine Care Intro

    2. Grooming with CHA

    3. Vaccinations with Boehringer Ingelheim & Valley Vet

    4. Coggins with PHJ

    5. Dental Care with PHJ

    6. Hoof Care with Valley Vet

    7. Hoof Cracks with Valley Vet

    8. Cleaning for Disease Prevention with PHJ

    9. Routine Care Quiz

    1. Course Summary

    2. Additional Resources

About this course

  • 48 lessons
  • 45 minutes of video content