Equine Safety & Handling
Learn how to safely handle horses in a variety of situations!
Safety Intro
Reading Horse Behavior- with CHA
Working Around the Horse- with CHA
Keeping Dogs Safe around Horses and Livestock- with Valley Vet
Safety Quiz
Handling Intro
Catching a Horse in a Stall- with CHA
Catching a Horse in a Paddock- with CHA
Leading a Horse- with CHA
Releasing a Horse in a Stall- with CHA
Releasing a Horse in a Paddock- with CHA
Holding a Horse for the Vet or Farrier- with CHA
Handling Quiz
Tying Intro
Hard-Tying- with CHA
Cross-Tying- with CHA
Tying Quiz
Trailering Intro
Truck & Trailer Safety Check- with CHA
Loading a Horse in a Trailer- with CHA
Overcoming a Horse Trailer Accident: Cowgirl Shares Hope- with Valley Vet
Trailering Quiz
Performing a Tack Safety Check- with CHA
Mounting & Dismounting- with CHA
Correct Riding Position- with CHA
Exercises to Improve Rider Position- with CHA
Types of Rein Holds- with CHA
Full, Two-Point, & Half Seat Explained- with CHA
Adjusting English Stirrups & Girth while Mounted- with CHA
Emergency Stop Using the Pully Rein- with CHA
Emergency Dismount- with CHA
Longing Safety- with CHA
Long Lining (Double Longing) a Horse- with CHA
Ponying a Horse Safely- with CHA
Arena Etiquette- with CHA
Riding Safety Quiz
Additional Resources